
Effective Credit Control Outsourcing Options

Issue 30

An effective credit control function is vital to the cash flow of a business but can be difficult for SMEs to sustain. Many successful companies have failed because their credit control was ineffectively managed leaving cash tied up in invoicing rather than in their bank account.

An outsourced credit control service helps many clients improve their efficiency in this area, taking the hassle out of chasing payments and protecting relationships with customers.

Improve your cash flow and credit rating

By reducing the time lag between invoicing and payment we can ensure that monies you are owed are paid on time. We can help to ease your own cash flow pressures and to build your external credit rating.

An outsourced credit control service helps many clients improve their efficiency in this area, taking the hassle out of chasing payments and protecting relationships with customers.

Peter Cromarty, CC Recovery Solutions

Improve cost efficiency

By outsourcing credit control rather than having your own function, many businesses will often save money, spending less on staffing, credit fees and other overheads.

I employ an in-house credit control team but don’t think they are working effectively?

An outsourced credit control service can also help businesses with existing credit control functions to improve their processes and ensure they stay on track. We offer a review service for your existing credit control processes to assist with streamlining your function.

Reduce problematic and bad debts

We work alongside solicitors and trace agents to recover bad debts or aged debts to collect amounts due reducing the added headache of problematic and bad debts.

Save you time

A lack of time to spend chasing debtors is the main reason SMEs fall behind on credit control. Outsourcing this function can help you to reduce the time you or your staff spend chasing debts, enabling you to concentrate on other revenue generating activities.

Protect client relationships

By allowing someone else to chase payments on your behalf, you can avoid uncomfortable conversations directly with your own customers.

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