
Another Year Of Dread?

Issue 44

Are you going to allow this summer to be another year where you are dreading wearing your summer clothes, self conscious about entering the holiday pool and deleting most of the photos because you were unhappy with the way you looked?

Make 2019 the year this all changes and make a positive move to do something about it now. Most people dream of looking good in their summer wear, but what’s the point in dreaming, why not make it a reality. Making some lifestyle changes will have an instant effect both physically and mentally. If you look better, your self confidence and self esteem will rocket and life becomes much happier.

Here are some common questions with very straight forward answers:

-I can’t find the time – if you want it enough you will find the time.

-I’m too old to get my body back – no you are not, you can always improve.

-It’s too near my holiday therefore pointless to start making changes now – why? You can make huge changes very quickly if you focus.

-I’m never going to look good – yes you can, it’s about making a decision to do something about it and having the discipline and consistency to keep it going.

-I will never stick to healthy food for long enough – If you don’t stick with the food it means you must not want to lose the weight badly enough.

It’s around 16 weeks until June and the holiday season kicks in. You can make dramatic changes in that time, here is proof. My client Peter, lost 6 stones in 16 weeks and totally transformed his life (see before/after pictures) these changes were dramatic, here are a few reasons how he achieved this:

-Total dedication and zero excuses for 16 weeks

-Trained 2 x 1 hour personal training sessions and 1 Tynemouth Beach Bootcamp a week

-Prepared his food/shopping at a weekend ready for the week eg. cooked meats, home made soups

-No processed food in sight Cut out all refined sugar

-Ate foods our bodies are designed to eat eg lean meat, fish, vegetables, salad, eggs and fruit

-Drank 2-3 litres of water a day

The two biggest reasons for his transformation were sticking 100% to the food and his sheer mental strength to stay totally dedicated. Of course once you hit your targets you will have formed new healthier habits and your new found look and confidence will inspire you on a daily basis. I have only spoken about the changes you can see on the outside, but the positive hidden effects to your health are huge.

This ultimately leads to better well being and living a longer life in good health. Peter made a positive decision to transform his life and it worked in the most dramatic way, within 16 weeks. He has since completing tough mudder events, numerous half marathons, rat races and recently climbed Kilimanjaro.

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