
A Move To A Bluer Planet

Issue 49

Recently, the print and mailing industry has witnessed a shift away from single-use plastics. This has largely been a result of Sir David Attenborough's 'Blue Planet' series, which increased environmental awareness of single-use plastic by publicising the devastating damage it can cause.

Each year, an estimated 18 billion pounds of plastic waste enters the world’s ocean from coastal regions’ (National Geographic 2019).

The print and mailing industry is a contributor to this pollution in the form of polywrapped items and we, along with many other recognised brands, are making it our social responsibility to lead the plastic free mission.

‘More than 40 major businesses have pledged to eradicate single-use plastics from packaging in an effort to tackle the global pollution crisis’ (Independent 2018).

This pact consists of a series of targets that the industry as a whole will aim to meet by 2025. At MetroMail we want to ensure we can offer our customers’ alternative, environmentally friendly solutions to polywrap.

As a result, we have invested in two new Sitma 1050 machines, which have paperwrap capability. This investment will allow us to keep up with client demand and help us to become a more sustainable business.

The benefits of paperwrap are: Recycled paper can be used. The outer can be personalised with marketing messages and tailored offers. It creates intrigue, as the receiver has to open it to see what’s inside. There are eco-friendly postal discounts available. What other options do you have? Paperwrap isn’t the only eco-friendly solution, other options available include: Bioplastics – These are plastics derived from renewable biomass sources, such as sugar, starch etc. This includes bio-degradable and compostable film, which can be used in a similar fashion to polywrap. Envelope enclosing – The use of traditional envelopes to enclose your products. Naked mailer/One-piece mailer – Move to single item mailings which are simply addressed and posted, with no packaging required.

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